
Monday, May 31, 2010

you and i

Aku suka pada mereka yang berani hidup
Aku suka pada mereka yang masuk menemu malam
malam yang berwangi mimpi, terlucut debu...
waktu jalan. Aku tidak tahu apa nasib waktu !
( Chairil Anwar, Prajurit jaga malam )

Saturday, May 29, 2010

sepotong hati

The way is not in the sky. The way is in heart ... ( Budha )

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

seven rivers project

but wait for me,

keep for me your sweetness.

I will give you too

a rose

( Pablo N eruda, absence )

Sunday, May 9, 2010

mendekatlah ke aku

Sebelum malam tumbang, subuh.

mendekatlah ke aku

mendekatlah ke aku

agar lekas kuhirup cintamu

mendekatlah ke aku

mendekatlah ke aku

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lagu cinta dari kabut kepada gerimis

karena engkau gerimis
aku ingin menjadi sungai.
Bila sekali engkau jatuh ditubuhku
maka kita akan selamanya bersatu.
kehilir tanpa perahu
kebulan tanpa sepatu.

Tetapi, bila engkau embun menempel didedaun,
maka aku kabut, mendekapmu lembut.

( ketika senja membentang, rinduku mengendap bagai ganggang didasar kolam.
Lalu ia terbang melintas jurang,
mengembara ke bukit ke sembilan,
menemuimu di kelopak kecombrang.
Ditepi sungai tempat kita berdamai ).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

south australia

I love south Australia. If i m not in Asutralia, perhaps this kind of landscape is the one tht i miss so much about this place. It s dry, windy, a bit of sadness and melancholy.

3 weeks a go. I ve just finished my residency in western NSW with its dry and silence landscape where i made lots of paintings and brew many ideas. But as soon as i arrived in Sydney, ah i miss South Australia so much.... not the landscape but the city of Adelaide. I love the museum which have great collection of art from Pacific islands. But I also missed some people.

Out of the blue, the University of Flinders called me and ask me if i want to present my story. They asked me to talk about my art practice and fly me over, gave me an accommodation and pocket money :P Well. I went and it was magic... everything was magic....






Welcome to my little world, it is a world within a world, within my dream, within my drawing and painting. An artist is an artist, wether you were born like that or like this. Art is to make or not to make.